In case you've been wondering what I've been up to since May... here's a quick recap.
1. Broken Foot
Back at the end of June, I managed to land myself in this oh-so-fashionable walking boot for pretty much the entire summer! Stepped out of my car wrong and rolled my ankle which resulted in a stress fracture in the fifth meta-something (can't remember the official term). Almost 8 weeks in this bad boy made everyday things more difficult, and things I enjoy practically impossible. Getting around the house, to and from work, and just day-to-day things weren't completely impossible, just took a little more time. Stairs were not my friend and driving was interesting (it's my petal foot). Sewing on the other hand, pretty much impossible. Couldn't manage the foot petal on any of my machines and attempting to use the left foot was disastrous! Thus.... the only crafting I could really do was knitting and using my embroidery machine (no petal necessary!).
2. Etsy Store Launch |
Even with being down with a broken foot, I couldn't just stop crafting. Lol. Since my embroidery machine was really the only machine I could use since it didn't require a foot petal, I jumped in head first with getting my Etsy store launched. It's been something I've been toying around with for the past year or so, but this gave me a good opportunity to actually get it up and running. So far, it's mainly vinyl keychains (practically any theme you can think of!) and a few other small items like Tic Tac Toe games and finger puppets. I've got a LOT more planned... just a matter of getting samples made in order to list in the store. Also planning on doing a local craft show in November that I plan on peddling my wears at, so lots of prep work to do on that as well.
3. New Nephew!
Well, this was the surprise of the year! We knew my sister was having a baby (lol), but according to the big "gender reveal" party she had back in February, she was expecting another girl. So.... we all prepared for a girl. We even threw my sister a baby girl, all pink "sprinkle" in July. Well, two weeks (almost to the day) before her due date, she went into labor. Everyone was waiting on baby girl P's arrival.. and low and behold... baby girl P was really baby BOY P!!! Talk about a shocker!!! Weighing in at 8 lbs. 3 oz, 21.25 in long... Little Mr. C had arrived! He's the first boy in my family (just me and my sister)... so needless to say my dad is a bit excited!
4. LOTS of Projects!
Even though I've had a bit of a crazy summer, I have managed to actually get quite a few projects done (or almost done!). Most of them have been for my Etsy store, but I've managed to do some non-store projects too! Finished a quilt top for myself and sent it off to Missouri Star for quilting, made a few button-down shirts for Hubby, made a "Star Wars Emperor Robe" for Hubby to wear in a local parade, a really cute pillow for my dad for father's day, and a bunch of other little things here and there. I'll be doing a few posts over the next week or so showing off all the things I've been keeping myself busy with ;-)I will be back tomorrow with a WIP Wednesday for you!!! Stay tuned :-)
Linking up to Linky Tuesday at Freemotion by the River, and Sew Cute Tuesday at Blossom Heart Quilts
Glad to know you are OK and that as usual life interferes with our blogging :-) Have a great rest of the week.