Friday, June 6, 2014

TGIFF!/Finish It Up Friday - UFOs

Here we go with another TGIFF!/Finish It Up Friday.

Between Wednesday night and last night, I managed to finish the "flimsy" for the Dr. Seuss quilt :-)  I'm getting so close to finishing this one, I can taste it!

I tried so hard to get home from work before the lighting turned crummy to get a picture outside, but no such luck. I had to stop at the store on my way home, and by the time dinner was done... The sun was gone.

My seam matching still needs some work, but I know that'll come with more practice.  I'm going to get this basted tonight (hopefully). I managed to stop and get more backing fabric from Joann's tonight, so I've gotta figure out this whole baking piecing thing first.

I've got the batting and thread all ready to go.  Really, REALLY hoping I can get this done this weekend, but I'm not counting on it as there is a TON of housework to get done, mountains of laundry, and grocery shopping to do.  I'm going to squeeze as much sewing time into this weekend as possible so I can finally have another project checked off the "To-Do" list.

I also managed to completely finish this adorable cardigan sweater for my niece, Miss L.  I didn't plan on getting it done this week, only doing some diligent work on it.  But, I guess I was further along in it than I originally thought I was, so I was able to get it all done.  

Here are the project details:
I actually bought 2 skeins of the yarn per the yardage requirements on the pattern, but ultimately used a little less than 1 skein for the 12-18 month size.  Not quite sure what I'm going to do with the second one yet, but I'm sure I'll think of something :-)

Quite proud of myself this week.  Managed to get one project almost done, and another one completely checked off the "To Do" list. 

Hope you have a fabulous Friday!

Linking back to Finish It Friday at Crazy Mom Quilts , TGIFF with Audrey from Glory Be Quilter, Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? over at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, and Link-A-Finish Friday at Richard & Tanya Quilts


  1. Quilt looks fabulous and I love the little cardigan. Have a great weekend.

  2. Oooh, I like that Dr. Seuss fabric! :-) The quilt looks great -- is it a disappearing nine-patch?

  3. That quilt is too cute. I know the feeling when you know you're close to being done, it is so hard to wait for that finish. The sweater is super cute, I'm sure you niece will love it.

  4. Good for you! Looks like fun quilt top :-)

  5. I absolutely love the name of your blog! Looking at your cute baby sweater makes me wonder if you have ever made the EZ baby surprise sweater. It is so much fun to make and so nice when finished.

  6. Your Dr. Suess quilt is adorable! The sweater is lovely too. My knitting skill s are definitely not up to "sweater" level. LOL!

  7. What a fun baby quilt! I love the Dr. Seuss fabrics!

  8. Fun baby quilt and you're a knitter too! Me as well

  9. Great finishes! Colours are awesome on both pieces! Thanks for sharing at TGIFF!

  10. Awesome quilt, but my eye is totally drawn to that adorable sweater! I love the purple color and the sweet details. I'm sure you'll find a good use for the leftover yarn. :)

  11. Such a darling sweater in my favorite color. The quilt is looking super cute as well.

  12. Your quilt top is so pretty and bright! I love the cardigan too. I couldn't knit a sweater (or even a scarf) if I tried, so I'm in awe of those who can.
