Monday, June 30, 2014

Make-A-List Monday: 6/30/14

Wow!!! Already the last day in June!!  This year is going by so quickly, I can't keep up!  With this week being a 4-day workweek for us here in the states, hopefully it'll go by quickly and we'll be on to the big 3-day weekend!!!

Here's a recap of last week's list:
  • Finish at least the top of the Pink & Chocolate quilt - D.O.N.E.  I actually finished the top on Friday night (missed the TGIFF/Finish-It-Up Friday post unfortunately).  I got it basted and started quilting yesterday.  This will definitely be a finish this week!
  • Start working on the table runner for my coffee table - Haven't started yet.  Had to finish the Pink & Chocolate quilt first, but this will be carried over to this week!

So.... here we go with this week's list:
    • FINISH the Pink & Chocolate quilt - just have the quilting to finish and get the binding on, and it'll be a finish this week!
    • Start working on the table runner for my coffee table - Hoping to start this by mid-week and finish it over the 3-day weekend
    • Start working on my next big quilt - not sure which one it will be... but I'm going to start another one :-)
    I'm planning on some mega "quality time" in my craft room this week working on projects.  With any luck, I'll be able to cross off not one but TWO projects off the "To-Do" list by week's end!

    Hope everyone has a fantastic Monday and a great week to come!!!

    Sunday, June 29, 2014

    Sunday Stash - 6/29/14

    Molli Sparkles

    Here we go with my most recent (and LAST for a while) additions to my stash...

    First up, order #1 of 2 from from Missouri Star Quilt Co.

    Chalk this order up to the "Freaky Friday" sale they had on Friday the 13th!!  Just couldn't resist.  The Rosey Jelly Roll has been on my wishlist since I first started shopping at Missouri Star a couple of months ago.  I LOVE it!!  Bonus... we share a name :-)  I wanted it, but had no clue what I would use it for.  That is, until I saw last week's Missouri Star tutorial (Beach Balls Quilt).   It will be the perfect fabric for that pattern.  Again, this is another project that has been added to the monstrous "To Do" list with no recipient in mind, but I'll be fun to make :-)

    Next is order #2 of 2 (and my last order for a long while!) from Missouri Star Quilt Co.

    All of the Wizard of Oz fabrics go along with the panel I got last week from to make my MIL a quilt.  Not quite sure when I'll get around to it or when I'm going to want to give it to her, but seeing as though she is a HUGE Wizard of Oz fan... I couldn't pass up getting the fabric now before it's gone for good and too late!

    The Halloween Parade fabrics/charms and the Tumbler Template are going to be used to make a table runner for my living room for Halloween.  I'm sure I'm going to have extra left over, so I'll have to come up with something else creative to do with the remnants.  Also, the Basic Brights fabrics are to make a simple charm baby blanket for my stash of baby stuff.  Whether I give it away as a baby shower gift, or (hopefully) use it for our future child... looked like fun fabrics to play with!

    This is my LAST order from M* for a long while!!!  I've now got enough precuts and yardage to do almost 16 projects!!  I have officially put myself in the "crafting freezer" and need to focus my energy on creating instead of shopping :-)

    Last up is my last order from Connecting Threads:

    These were all the colors I originally wanted but missed out on during the sale due to being out of stock.  Figured for the little bit more to pay for full price, I could go ahead and grab them now so I have them, instead of waiting on a sale in the future.  Between the three orders I've placed with them over the past few weeks, I have practically every color I could possibly need!

    Well, that's it for my new stash.  This will most likely be the last Sunday Stash for quite some time as the "no shopping" rule is going to prevent me from making any additions.

    Hope you're having a splendid Sunday, and have a great week to come :)

    Wednesday, June 25, 2014

    WIP Wednesday - Would This Bother You?

    I'm FINALLY to the borders stage on my Pink & Chocolate quilt. You start off by doing the top and bottom first. Easy Peasy, right?  Well, not as much as I thought. Lining up the block border with a solid in between proved to be a harder task than it looks. Most of the blocks lined up (maybe only a hair off).... Then there is the one that is obvious.

    Ripped out and resewn three times and this was the best I could get it :-( I give up!  It'll just have to do, and hopefully the quilting will hide the flaw. 

    Fortunately, the intended recipient isn't a quilter so I doubt she'll notice. 

    What do you think?  Should I try one more time to get it to line up or just let it be?

    Sew Fresh Quilts

    Linking back to Freshly Pieced's WIP Wednesday and Sew Fresh Quilts' Let's Bee Social

    Tuesday, June 24, 2014

    Thank You Bubby!!

    What a wonderful surprise to come home to today!!  Barb over at Whisper Of Rose Quilts (Bubby on the Missouri Star forums) sent me a gorgeous Downton Abbey charm pack to go along with the fabric I won from Audrey a couple of weeks ago!!!

    Thank you SO VERY MUCH Barb!!!  It is absolutely gorgeous and VERY generous of you!!!!  This just made my day :-)

    My first thoughts were to incorporate it with the other Downton Abbey fabric I have, but after checking out all the colors and patterns in this charm pack... I think I'm going to use it on a quilt for my mom. The colors will match her basement perfectly and I like them much better than the cheap fat quarters I bought from Joann's a few weeks ago!  

    Thank you again so very much Barb!  You truly are a sweetie!

    Hope everyone is having a terrific Tuesday!

    Monday, June 23, 2014

    Make-A-List Monday: 6/23/14

    It's been a busy, busy week again.  Sewing, cleaning, laundry, and being sick.  All rolled into one fun-filled week.

    Here's a recap of last week's list:
    • Finish the Jolly Jelly Roll flimsy - Not quite..... Had every intention of working on it all weekend and having it wrapped up by yesterday, but it never happened. 
    • Make a Playtime Cuddle quilt for the baby shower this weekend - D.O.N.E.!!  Kinda had a minor hiccup when cutting the pieces, but I managed to figure something out and get it all done and ready to go for the shower.
    • Finish cleaning up and re-organizing craft room - D.O.N.E.!!  Well, as much as I need done right now.  Got my room all cleaned and organized between Friday night and Saturday.  It's going to be so wonderful to work in a space where I'm not tripping on everything!
    • Work on the knitted pillow for my living room - Honestly, didn't even have a chance to look at it last week!  Too busy working on other projects I guess.

    So.... here we go with this week's list:
    • Finish at least the top of the Pink & Chocolate quilt - almost there... just need to finish up the borders and it'll be ready to baste, quilt, and bind!
    • Start working on the table runner for my coffee table - I've got the pattern, fabrics, batting, and backing ready to go.  I DESPERATELY need this done ASAP as my coffee table is currently unprotected and getting scuffed up :(
    Keeping it really simple this week.  Don't want to over-plan and under accomplish.  Hopefully I'll get more done, but I'm not going to hold myself to it.

    Hope everyone has a fantastic Monday and a great week to come!!!

    Sunday, June 22, 2014

    Sunday Stash - Mega Haulage Ahead!

    Molli Sparkles

    I was a BBAAAADDD girl over the past week and half or so!  The mailman has been bringing me lots of "Happy Mail" full of yummy quilting goodies!

    First up is my (first) order from Connecting Threads:

    Fuchsia - Tomato - Butter - Aqua - Midnight - Sandstone - Taupe - Latte - Espresso - Slate

    I wanted to take advantage of their killer thread sale ($1.79 each down from $2.79 each).  Most of the colors I wanted were completely sold out by the time I went to place my order, but I did manage to get quite a few to start building my thread stash.  Most of them match upcoming projects, and then I grabbed a few just to have :-)  Couldn't pass up the sale!!

    Next we have my second order from Connecting Threads:

    Wine - Tea Rose - Meadow - Lichen - Lime - Calypso - Hyacinth

    Next up is yet another order from Missouri Star Quilt Company

    The Home For The Holidays fabric is for making a matching table runner to the Christmas Tree Skirt that I have planned.  I LOVE this fabric and just can't get enough!  I know I'm going to have more than I need, but I'm sure I'll find something else to make with it.

    The A Beautiful Thing Charm packs were the Daily Deal one day last week.  I had no plan for them, but I just loved the patterns so I had to get it!  The Sunflower and White Kona fabrics go with the charm packs and I've now got a Lucky Charm Quilt on my ever-growing "To Do" list.   No recipient in mind for this one, just want to make. 

    Here's a teeny, tiny order from

    I'm going to be making my MIL a quilt using the panel and some Wizard of Oz fabric I grabbed on my most recent Missouri Star order (which should be here sometime this week).

    Finally, a quick little order from The Fat Quarter Shop.

    SORRY for the lousy picture!!  It got dark on me too quickly last night and I had the worst time trying to get a picture.  The Downton Abbey fabric is to go along with the fat quarters I won from  Audrey at Glory Be Quilter last week.  I'm going to do a Yellow Brick Road quilt for my grandma for Christmas with this one, and I'm so excited to see how it turns out!  These fabrics are GORGEOUS and I can't wait to get started!  The Bountiful Harvest fabric is to make a muchly-needed table runner for my coffee table.  We got new furniture a couple of months ago and the coffee table is scratching easily :(  Hopefully a table runner with help with that!

    Add all this to the gigantic haul from JoAnn's I got last Friday... and the TWO orders that I'm waiting on from Missouri Star, AND the third order from Connecting Threads..... I'm good to go for a LONG while!!  After those orders, I'm done!  I'm completely cutting myself off from shopping until I get more projects done and limiting myself to only purchasing stuff that I need to finish a project.  No more fabric.... no more notions... no more thread.  I'm going "cold turkey"... wish me luck :-)

    Have a wonderful Sunday, and a great week to come!

    Saturday, June 21, 2014

    SEWjo Saturday - Craft Room

    Well, this weekend hasn't been as full of sewing as I had hoped.  I spent my entire Friday night and Saturday cleaning and re-organizing my "Craft Cave."  I went to Wally World and picked up some 2.5 gallon zipper bags, along with a plastic 3-drawer storage chest to house my newly acquired quilting treasures.  Here was my room before....

    The picture is from a couple of months ago,  but has relatively remained unchanged since.  I had three machines with no homes, piles of fabric on the floor, and no room to move.  Since my room is home to two of my "major" crafts... sewing/quilting & scrapbooking, there is a LOT of stuff in a small space.

    I worked all night last night and finally got my stuff organized and manageable. 

    Wow!  How awesome is the panoramic mode on the iPhone!!  Lol  Here it is, all neat and tidy.  It's going to be so nice not to have to be tripping on everything all the time and to be able to do something without moving 10 things first.

    Here's a quick tour...

    The sign on the door to my "Craft Cave."  The Batman symbol is an inside joke between me and Hubby.  I always tell him I'm going to "the cave" and one day he asked me if that made me Batman.  Since then, he calls me that all the time, especially when I'm in a crafty mood.

     View from walking in the door

     My sewing station.  It's an old cubicle counter resting on top of two filing cabinets.  Multi-colored storage tower on right is full of scrapbooking paper scraps.

     My TV, wide-format printer and cart full of scrapbooking stuff in the dormer, and my computer desk

     My desk and my main working area.  White JetMax cubes are full of scrapbooking stuff and home to my two die cutting machines, but my embroidery machine and serger are now housed in the upper left hand shelf of the unit

    Work station, ironing board, bookshelf (full of scrapbooks, books, and magazines), and my two overly-stuff closets.  Left one is scrapbooking mobile storage and my overflow sewing stuff, right one is FULL of scrapbooking stuff


    My simple work station.  4' table with a cutting mat on top, white storage chest houses my notions, scissors, templates, rulers, extra thread, an the bottom drawer is full of my sewing machine supplies (power cords, foot petals, embroidery unit, embroidery hoops, etc.).  Two small containers in the middle are full of thread with my June Mystery Quilt kit resting on top.  The two tubs on the right - top one is my "project kits" ready to go, and the bottom one has what little "stash" fabric I have.

    Sewing closet contains all my mobile scrapbooking stuff, along with a tub of pre-packaged batting, tub of yarn, tub containing finished projects, an a small tub of fabric scraps.  The two hanging ZipLoc bags contain all my muslin for backings as well as all my batting scraps.

    Linking up with SEWjo Saturday at My Go-Go Life and Show Off Saturday at SewCanShe

    Friday, June 20, 2014

    TGIFF!/Finish It Up Friday - More Cuddling

    With the baby shower tomorrow, I'm so grateful I was able to get the Cuddle Quilt done in time!  It came out pretty well considering I completely spaced and forgot to get the fabric for the cornerstones and the posts... leading me to improvise at the last minute.  I actually got all the sewing done on Tuesday night, including the binding... but waited until Wednesday night to do the hand-binding to finish it.  Nothing like curling up on the couch with my project, a cup of tea, and the last few episodes of Game of Thrones on DVR!

    Both blankets are now washed and ready to go for tomorrow.  Really hope the mommy-to-be likes them!!

    With trying to get the cuddle quilt done this week, I really haven't had a chance to get any progress made on the Pink & Chocolate quilt.  Still sitting the same way it was earlier in the week, and still needs the last row of the "inner quilt" added, and then the borders.  I have a couple of errands to run after work today, but after that... I'm in my sewing room for the rest of the night.  I'm determined to finish this flimsy tonight!

    Thanks for stopping by, and have a fabulous Friday and a great weekend to come!

    Linking back to Finish It Friday at Crazy Mom Quilts , TGIFF with Lorna at Sew Fresh Quilts, Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? over at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, and Link-A-Finish Friday at Richard & Tanya Quilts

    Thursday, June 19, 2014

    Totally Cut Off!!

    Well, I've done it.  Hit the "maximum capacity" line. Being as that I have only been officially quilting for a few months, I know my stash doesn't even compare to the more "seasoned" quilters out there.  A mere two tubs...that's it.  However, when you think about it rationally, two tubs over two months?!?!? That's some mega shopping!

    I'm a project buyer... meaning I don't buy (or haven't bought) any fabrics just because I liked them.  Everything I have is earmarked for a specific project.  As you can see from the "To Do" list on the sidebar here on my blog, my list is a mile long already.  About 90% of the materials for those projects has been purchased already and are just sitting in the tubs waiting to be used.

    I have had some time to think about this, and think I may have found the source of my "problem."  I enjoy the planning stages of projects.  Whether it be sewing/quilting, scrapbooking, or knitting... I think I must really enjoy doing the shopping and planning for projects.  I see something that, all of a sudden, I must make.  I then go deep into preparation mode.  From finding the pattern or inspiration source, to picking out the materials needed, to finding those materials at a store or online shop and purchasing them... it's like a total rush for me.  I anxiously await the package to arrive or the trip to the store to pick them up... feels like Christmas morning!

    Now, for most people that wouldn't be a problem.  For me, it is!  I spend all that time and money preparing for a project, totally excited about it.  By the time everything is purchased or comes in, I've found five more projects to do the same process with.  It's a sickness I tell you!

    The past two weeks have been like no other I've had in recent months!  I've added so many projects to the list, placed so many orders for materials and supplies, I'm overwhelmed!  I realized it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate.  I have listed the projects on my "To Do" list in the order in which I hope to complete them.  Most have deadlines (i.e. Christmas), but the rest do not.  I'm going to focus on those that need to be done sooner rather than later, and plug away at the list as best as I can.

    That being said, I have TOTALLY CUT MYSELF OFF from shopping!  I can create wishlists, shopping lists, additional "To Do's" for the bucket list, but I am completely cut off from shopping and putting myself in the freezer!  I did this a while ago with my scrapbooking and it did seem to work.  With the exception of consumables and necessary items to finish a specific project... NO. MORE. SHOPPING!  Once I get a few projects on the list completely finished, I will re-assess the situation, but for now... that's it!

    You'll see what I mean come in my upcoming Sunday Stash post this weekend.  Major haulage alert!!
    It's killing me!  I've got JoAnn's coupons out to wazoo and I get emails practically daily with specials from all my favorite shops.  I just have to put the blinders on and focus on actually doing projects instead of just planning them.

    I have to get into my craft room (hopefully at some point this weekend) and get it cleaned up and organized.  I think I may have found a solution to my fabric storage, but it will involve a quick trip to Wally World to pick up a couple of things.  Hopefully, if I get a chance to work on it some this weekend, I'll have some pics to share with you next week.

    Linking up with Really Random Thursday at Live A Colorful Life.

    Hope you're having a wonderful Thursday!!

    Wednesday, June 18, 2014

    WIP Wednesday - Pink & Chocolate

    It's Wednesday again, and you know what that means.....  Time to show off some of my works-in-progress :) 

    First up is my Pink & Chocolate Jolly Jelly Roll quilt.  I've got the main part of the top almost done with only one more row to sew on.  Then it's time to add the small, solid pink border, and then a border of the extra squares from the top, and it'll be ready to baste!  I know I wasn't sure on this one last week, but now that I've gotten more rows done and it's really coming together... it's growing on me.  I think I'll be really pretty once it's done!  My goal is to get the top done and the whole thing basted and quilted by the end of this weekend.  Soon it'll be another project checked off my to-do list :-)

    Finally, I've got yet another Playtime Cuddle Quilt, this time for the baby shower I'm going to this weekend (the one where I knitted a blanket also).  I ran to JoAnn's last Friday night for one of their big "frenzy" sales and picked up some flannel that was on sale (plus I had a 20% off entire purchase coupon!).  Since I think these little quilts are so cute and useful, I just had to make one for the shower! 

    I guess in my excitement of making another one, I didn't pay much attention to how much fabric I needed and how many different designs.  I completely forgot to grab the fabric for the posts and the cornerstones!  Not going to lie, when I started cutting the fabric on Monday night and realized what I had done... kinda had an anxiety attack :(  I don't have time to run back to JoAnn's this week to get any and I don't have anything in my stash that would work.  Thinking on my feet, I realized I had enough of the brown and teal left from doing the twists that I could use those instead.  I'm not quite 100% sold on the aesthetics of it, but it doesn't look terrible.  Instead of doing "Stitch In The Ditch" on this one (which I'm really lousy at anyways), I decided to do echo stitching and really like the looks of it.

    Got the binding started last night and will get it hand-sewn tonight so it'll be ready to wrap for the shower on Sunday.  I LOVE these cute little quilts and they have seriously become my new "go-to" gift for showers.  I just need to find a better place to find flannel as JoAnn's (at least mine) doesn't have a big selection of boy prints.

    Going to wrap up the cuddle quilt tonight after work, and then hopefully get the Pink & Chocolate flimsy done by the weekend so I can start basting and quilting :-)  Here's to a productive next few days!

    Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

    Sew Fresh Quilts

    Linking back to Freshly Pieced's WIP Wednesday and Sew Fresh Quilts' Let's Bee Social

    Tuesday, June 17, 2014

    I Won!! I Won!!

    Wow, am I surprised!  I NEVER win anything lately.  I linked up two Fridays ago with Audrey at Glory Be Quilter who was hostessing TGIFF! I linked up my finished Dr. Seuss top along with the finished Sunny Side Cardigan for Miss L.  I had no idea I could win her giveaway for three Downton Abbey fat quarters!!

    They are absolutely GORGEOUS!!  Now, I have to admit... I've never seen the show so I have no clue as to the background of the designs.  But they are really purdy :-) 

    I've already got a plan for them too!  I was going to make another Survivor Rag Quilt for my grandma (who is a colon cancer survivor), but I think these fabrics are perfect to do a regular quilt for her.  Now... just have to pick a pattern.  I'm thinking a Yellow Brick Road quilt might be good.  Easy and it will highlight these fabrics beautifully! 

    Only drawback of winning these gorgeous fat quarters.... I just spent money!  Lol.  I went out and found the matching fat quarter bundle over at Fat Quarter Shop and with their current promo of free shipping on orders of $40 or more, I just had to snag it up.  I should have enough to do a Yellow Brick Road, but if not... I'm sure I'll figure something else out.  To get my order to the $40 mark, I also snagged up a Feast Bountiful Harvest fat quarter pack along with some matching yardage to make a muchly needed table runner for my coffee table in my living room.  Hopefully I'll get my order by the end of the week and I'll have it to show off at next week's Sunday Stash post.

    Thank you again to Audrey for the wonderful prize!!! Especially mailing it to the US from Canada :-)  You're awesome!

    Hope everyone has a terrific Tuesday!

    Monday, June 16, 2014

    Make-A-List Monday - 6/16/14

    Sorry I was M.I.A. all weekend!!  It was crazy, crazy, crazy at Chez Rosie.  I hope everyone out there had a beautiful weekend and a great Father's Day yesterday.  I know I did. Even though I spent my entire day on Saturday cleaning and doing laundry, it was still a great weekend.  I got my chores to a good stopping point for the day around 7:30 pm, and then I headed up to my "Craft Cave" for the rest of the night.

    Anywho, here we go with another Make-A-List Monday.

    Here's a recap of last week's list:
    • Photoshoot with my Dr. Seuss quit -D.O.N.E!  Not quite the photoshoot I was hoping for, but I managed to snap a couple of pictures in between the bouts of rain
    • Start my next quilt - not sure yet which one. - Made a decision and started my Jolly Jelly Roll quilt.  I've got the main part of the top done already.  Just needs the borders and it's done.
    • Get my craft room cleaned up and re-organized - Partially done on this one.  Got some stuff cleaned up and organized, but then managed to tear it apart again :(
    • Finish the knitted pillow for my living room - Nope, didn't touch it all week.  I'm not too worried as this is not an urgent project.  I just want to get it done. It'll get done.... eventually.
    Didn't get as much done as I had hoped, but still did accomplish a few things which was great.

    Here we go with this week's list:
    • Finish the Jolly Jelly Roll flimsy - Just needs borders put on
    • Make a Playtime Cuddle quilt for the baby shower this weekend - As if I don't have enough to do, I decided to do a cuddle quilt for the baby shower this weekend.  I already knitted her a blanket, but wanted to do one of these too as they are so stinking cute!
    • Finish cleaning up and re-organizing craft room - Pickup the newly made mess in my room and continue organizing as I go.
    • Work on the knitted pillow for my living room - I know I won't finish it, but I'd like to at least work on it a bit and do minimally a few rows this week.
    That looks like about it for this week.  It's going to be a busy week at work and at home this week, so I'm just praying I can make it! 

    Hope everyone has a fantastic Monday!!!

    Friday, June 13, 2014

    TGIFF/Finish It Up Friday - Dr. Seuss Style

    Happy Friday the 13th!!  I swear, besides Halloween, today is Hubby's favorite day!

    Anywho, on to my big finish... I can't believe it's done!!  After a few "dry" days of not sewing, I thought I would fall behind on this one.  Totally not the case.  Once the "flimsy" was done and I got it all basted and quilted, I couldn't believe how quick it went.  Personally, I think the hand-binding took the longest out of all the steps on this quilt.

    And believe me, that wasn't a painless process.  I really am thinking I need to invest in a couple of thimbles... or else I'm going to end up bleeding all over all my quilts!

    Without further ado.... Drumroll please......

    Words cannot express how excited I am about this finish!  This being my first "real" quit (read: non-rag quilt), it was a nerve-wracking process.  The layout drove me batty for an entire day trying to get it just right, the anxiety over how the heck I was going to baste it without a good place to do it, and then the about near heart attack I had while quilting it on my small, domestic machine.  All enough to land me in the looney bin.  But... I kept plugging along at it, taking it one step at a time.

    I did learn a LOT from this quilt though.

    1. How to install my walking foot on my machine
    2. The importance of proper pressing in the alignment of seams
    3. The old saying "slow and steady finishes the race" - take my time and take things slow to prevent having to bust out the seam ripper constantly
    4. That I really need to make sure to trim off all the little fly-away strings on the "flimsy" before quilting it.  I can see fly-aways thru the white fabric squares :-(
    5. There are no "Quilt Police" that will arrest me if I didn't do things the "proper" way. Lol.
    This quilt was made with no recipient in mind.... just to make and to have.  Really, REALLY hoping that there will be a "Baby Rockstar" in our future that will be able to enjoy it.  We'll have to wait and see on that one though.

    Unfortunately, my excitement over starting my Jolly Jelly Roll quilt kinda took over this week and I didn't manage to get any knitting done on my pillow.  Hopefully there will be another knitted finish next week, but for now... it's back to the sewing machine for the weekend!

    Thursday, June 12, 2014

    Chugging Along

    All the strips are cut into squares and ready to start sewing for my Jolly Jelly Roll quilt.

    I love how detailed Christa's directions are, however I decided not to pair them together before piecing into strips.  I wanted to lay out each row, ensuring that there wasn't any duplicates touching each other.  I'm not quite sure that was a good idea or not.  I think I just made more work for myself.  Lol.

    Notice all the pre-packaged batting in the background?  Lol.  I kinda went nuts my last visit to JoAnn's since they had them for 50% off.  Unfortunately, I don't have a design wall (but I'm quickly realizing how desperately I need one and am now researching portable ideas), so I'm lying it on my ironing board and lining up the rows.  I'm sure there are a million other easier ways to do this, but for now this will have to do.  

    I got three rows done and sewn together before I had to call it quits for the night.  After sleeping on it, I'm not 100% sold on it.  I don't know if I just think its too busy.... or if its the fabric not blending the way I had hoped.  I don't know.  For whatever reason, I'm now having second thoughts on it.  I think I'll just keep plugging away at it, and who know... maybe once it's all done I'll change my mind.

    Hope everyone is having a terrific Thursday!

    I Quilt @ Pretty BobbinsMy Quilt Infatuation

    Linking back to Needle & Thread Thursday at My Quilt Infatuation and I Quilt Thursdays at Pretty Bobbins.