Tuesday, May 20, 2014

For My Little Ladybug

Seriously, the $9 I spent on the Playtime Quilt pattern from the Sewing Expo last month was the best money I've ever spent!  I LOVE making these!!  So quick and simple, yet so useful.  While at JoAnn's during their last really big sale, I picked up the fabric to whip up one of these for my adorable niece, Miss L.

My Cute Little Ladybug, enjoying the beach for the first time

Since my sister and I were little, my mom has called us her "Ladybugs."  That has now trickled down to my sister's daughter, and she's now the youngest of the Ladybugs.  I thought it only fitting to make her one of these quilts using some adorable ladybug flannel I found.

I'm anxious to give this to her this weekend when I see her.  I hope she likes it, and I hope mommy appreciates it.  The little twists on the quilt are three-dimensional so you can easy clip those little toys to it.  Miss L has discovered the game that is "if I throw my toy on the ground, a grown up will pick it up."  Ha ha ha.  This way, if she throws her toy down while in the car, it won't go very far.

I'm getting better with these.  My seams were almost perfect this time (one or two that didn't line up 100%), and I hand-bound it.  My mitered corners still need some work, but I'm getting there.

Really loving this pattern and it makes for a very quick and easy baby gift.  I'm hoping to make the full-sized version one day if we ever have children :-)

Thanks for stopping by, and Happy Tuesday everyone!


  1. This is gorgeous. I love the twists in the fabric. TFS and have a great week.

  2. This is really sweet and so is your girl! Not sure if you are aware about the word verification. Make it easier for us and turn it off :-)
